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Welcome to Ford Primary School


 "Together we can...keep children safe in education"

How are you feeling?

Pupils, you can get information and advice here.

Child Protection and Safeguarding | People

Child Protection and Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, but to ensure we all work to an effective system, staff are organised into teams of responsibility. See a plan of this below. If you need to make a log of a safeguarding concern, call: 01752 668000 for The Gateway (in hours) and 01752 346984 (for out of hours), or email:

Ford has clear procedures and systems for identifying, recording, reporting, and reviewing safeguarding and child protection concerns.

We all have a responsibility to follow LAT and Ford Policy and report any safeguarding (including child protection) concerns that we may have. If you have any safeguarding concerns, please log your concerns, and report them immediately to one of the most senior qualified members of staff available above. If the concern is regarding the most senior staff, please report to the Lead Designated Governor.

Our school procedures for safeguarding children are in line with Plymouth Safeguarding Children Board (PSCB) Multi Agency Child Protection Procedures

Ford Primary School's email for safeguarding is:

Together we can…keep our community safe.

Introducing our Safeguarding Team  

Mr Sammels | Designated Safeguarding Lead and Executive Headteacher

Mrs Sandey | Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Head of School

Miss Price | Safeguarding Officer and Family Support Advisor

Mrs Robinson and Mrs Peters | SENDCo

Mr Ogier | Assistant Headteacher

Father Richard Silk | Designated Governor

Mrs James | Family Support Advisor and Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Rowe | EYFS Lead

Introducing our pupil 'Safe Council'

These pupils help to review behaviour and PSME categories as well as taking part in the task of designing and making videos that promote safety for our pupils. Here they are showcasing our Keep Safe booklets. 

More information can be found here

Nursery and Reception


Year One


Year Two 


Year Three


Year Four


Year Five


Year Six