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Intended Outcomes




In Nursery, children will:

Sing a large repertoire of songs. 

Use large-muscle movements to wave flags and streamers, paint and make marks.

Listen with increased attention to sounds.

Respond to what they have heard, expressing their thoughts and feelings.

Remember and sing entire songs.

Sing the pitch of a tone sung by another person (‘pitch match’).

Sing the melodic shape (moving melody, such as up and down, down and up) of familiar songs.

Create their own songs, or improvise a song around one they know.

Play instruments with increasing control to express their feelings and ideas.



In Reception, children will:

Listen carefully to rhymes and songs, paying attention to how they sound.

Learn rhymes, poems and songs.

Combine different movements with ease and fluency. 

Explore, use and refine a variety of artistic effects to express their ideas and feelings.

Return to and build on their previous learning, refining ideas and developing their ability to represent them.

Create collaboratively sharing ideas, resources and skills.

Listen attentively, move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses.

Sing in a group or on their own, increasingly matching the pitch and following the melody.

Explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups.

Sing a range of well-known nursery rhymes and songs.

Perform songs, rhymes, poems and stories with others, and (when appropriate) try to move in time with music.

Year 1

Autumn Term


Concept: Pulse and rhythm

Definition: Pulse is the steady beat. Rhythm/s are long and short notes put together. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: Singing and playing an instrument in time. Rhythm syllables. 

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: 2-note chants

Definition: A melody that changes between 2 different pitches. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: Pitch, rhythm syllables. 

Notation: N/A

Recall: Rhythm, Pulse. 


Spring Term


Concept: Active listening 

Definition: Listening to a wide range of music of a variety of styles and commenting on their qualities. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Like & dislike

Definition: Providing an opinion about a piece of music. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Tempo & dynamics

Definition: Fast and slow. Loud and soft. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: Fast, slow, steady. Forte (loud), piano (soft) 

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Percussion

Definition: A family of instruments that you strike using your hands or beaters to make a sound. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Summer Term


Concept: Vocal health

Definition: Looking after your voice. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Group and solo singing

Definition: Singing with small-large group of children. Singing on your own. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: Vocal health

Concept: Crotchets & minims. 

Definition: Crotchets are notes that are held for one count. Minims are notes that are held for two counts. 

Skills: N/A

Theory: Note, noteheads. 

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A


Year 2

Autumn Term


Concept: Pulse with movement 

Definition: Moving in different ways with the steady beat.  

Skills: Keeping the beat.   

Theory: Pulse, tempo. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse, tempo.  

Concept: Rhythm vs pulse 

Definition: Rhythms are long and short sounds put together. Pulse is the steady beat.  

Skills: Keeping in time with the music. Listening.  

Theory: Pulse, tempo. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Crotchets, minims.  

Concept: Body percussion 

Definition: Using your body (clap, click, pat, stomp etc.) to create music. 

Skills: Keeping in time with the music when performing different actions.  

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Rhythm, pulse. 


Spring Term


Concept: Comparing genres 

Definition: Listening to different genres of music and understanding what makes them different.  

Skills: Listening 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: N/A 

Concept: Understanding music 

Definition: Exploring how sheet music works and the range of instruments that can be used to create a piece of music.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Instruments in the orchestra, pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo. 

Notation: Crotchets, minims  

Recall: Pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo crotchets, minims  

Concept: Call & response singing. Diction and expression 

Definition: A phrase of music serves as the call, and is answered by a different phrase of music. How the vowels and consonants are sung with clarity and precision when singing. Singing with feeling. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pitch, rhythm, pulse. 


Summer Term


Concept: Accompanying singing 

Definition: Providing support for a singer/s by using instruments.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Dynamics 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Dynamics 

Concept: Improvisation with percussion 

Definition: Making music using percussion instruments, which has not been planned.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: N/A 

Concept: Composition- Soundscape 

Definition: The process of writing music, using notation and graphic scores (images).   

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse, tempo, dynamics, crotchets, minims.  


Year 3

Autumn Term


Concept: Stave- Line and space notes.

Definition: A set of five horizontal lines and spaces which indicates a notes pitch on a piece of music.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Notation, pitch

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Treble clef

Definition: Used to signify higher-pitched notes on a piece of music.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Notation, pitch

Notation: N/A

Recall: Stave

Concept: Crotchets and minims

Definition: Crotchets are notes that are held for one count. Minims are notes that are held for two counts.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Duration, rhythm.

Notation: N/A

Recall: Stave, clefs, note lengths (rhythm syllables)

Concept: Beamed quavers

Definition: 2 sounds. 1 count. ‘Ti-ti’.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Duration, rhythm.

Notation: N/A

Recall: Stave, clefs, note lengths (rhythm syllables)

Concept: Time signatures and rests

Definition: Time signatures describe how many beats are in the bar. Rests are silent beats, which can be held for the length of a crotchet or a beamed quaver.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Duration, rhythm.

Notation: N/A

Recall: Stave, clefs, note lengths (rhythm syllables)


Spring Term


Concept: Following notation

Definition: Singing or playing in time while following musical notation.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Pulse, pitch, duration, rhythm.

Notation: N/A

Recall: Stave - Line and space notes.

Concept: Major/minor sound

Definition: Music in a major key is brighter and happier. Music in a minor key is sadder and darker.

Skills: Active listening.

Theory: Tonality.

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Expanded musical features

Definition: Expanded musical features includes a greater focus on melody, also known as the tune, and an exploration into harmony (the blending of tones and sounds) and timbre (the colour of the sound) in music.

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Orchestral families

Definition: There are four families in the orchestra- Strings, woodwind, brass and percussion. Each family contains a range of instruments.

Skills: N/A

Theory: N/A

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A


Summer Term


Concept: Partner songs

Definition: Two or more independent melodies which fit together and sound good when performed together.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Pulse, rhythm.

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Solo singing- Articulation

Definition: Articulation refers to how the notes are produced or song. These will be explored when singing a solo/small group.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Accents.

Notation: N/A

Recall: N/A

Concept: Tuned percussion

Definition: Percussion instruments that are pitched at particular notes. For example, glockenspiel, xylophone, timpani, vibraphone etc.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Pitch

Notation: N/A

Recall: Pulse, rhythm, pitch.

Concept: Compose in C major

Definition: Composing a short melody in the key of C major.

Skills: N/A

Theory: Stave, 4/4 time signature.

Notation: Line and space notes.

Recall: Stave - line and space notes, clef, pitch, rhythm, major.


Year 4

Autumn Term


Concept: Complex rhythms 

Definition: Complex rhythms consist of beamed quavers and semiquavers (ti ti-ri, ti-ri ti) and rests.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Notation, time signatures.  

Notation: Beamed quavers, beamed semiquavers, crotchet rests, quaver rests.  

Recall: Stave, rhythm, pulse.  

Concept: Rhythmic phrases 

Definition: Rhythmic phrases consisting of long and short sounds to create a melody.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: Crotchets, minims, beamed quavers, beamed semiquavers. 

Recall: Stave, crotchets, minims, beamed quavers, beamed semiquavers, rhythm syllables.  

Concept: Strong beat vs weak beat 

Definition: Strong beats are beats which are accented in the bar. Strong beats include beats 1 and 3. Weak beats are not accented in the bar. Weak beats include beats 2 and 4.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Pulse 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse 

Concept: Tempo 

Definition: Fast and slow.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse 

Concept: Expression 

Definition: How the notes are sung or played.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Articulation, dynamics.  

Concept: Repeats 

Definition: Repeat marks, which are shown by a double bar line and 2 dots at the beginning and end of the repeat, show which bars need to be repeated in a piece of music.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Stave, bars, bar lines.


Spring Term


Concept: Vocal texture 

Definition: How different vocal lines interact with each other in a piece of music.   

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Pulse, pitch, duration, rhythm. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: N/A  

Concept: Pentatonic scale 

Definition: Pentatonic scales are five note scales.  

Skills: N/A  

Theory: Scales, tonality.  

Notation: N/A  

Recall: N/A 

Concept: Legato/ Staccato 

Definition: Legato means to sing/play notes smoothly and connected. Staccato means to sing/play notes short and detached.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Articulation. 

Concept: Partner songs- Simple Harmony  

Definition: Singing in simple harmony involves singing a part that is above or below the main melody.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Harmony 


Summer Term


Concept: Sharps and flats 

Definition: Sharps and flats are accidentals that raise or lower the pitch of a note by a semitone.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Key signatures 

Concept: Major pentatonic scales  

Definition: Pentatonic scales which contain notes from a major scale.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Scales. Tonality. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pentatonic scales.  

Concept: Improvisation and composition using different articulations 

Definition: Creating planned and unplanned melodies using accents, tenutos and staccatos.  

Skills: Improvisation, composition. 

Theory: Articulation 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Articulation, improvise, compose.  

Concept: Form and structure in a performance. 

Definition: Learning how pieces of music in different genres are constructed.  

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: Line and space notes.  

Recall: N/A 


Year 5

Autumn Term


Concept: Triplets, semibreves, dotted crotchets 

Definition: Triplets are three notes equally spaced within one beat. Semibreves are four count notes. Dots placed in front of notes increase the length of a note by half of its value. For example, a dotted crotchet would be 1 count + ½ a count= 1 and a ½ counts. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: Crotchets, minims, beamed quavers, beamed semiquavers, dotted crotchets, triplets, semibreves. 

Recall: Crotchets, minims, beamed quavers, beamed semiquavers. 

Concept: Justify opinion relating to music elements 

Definition: Providing a reason for your opinion when commenting on the pulse, rhythm, dynamics, tempo, timbre, pitch, articulation, tonality and style of a piece of music. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo, articulation, tonality, style. 

Concept: Complex time signatures 

Definition: Playing and singing in complex, or compound, time signatures that have more than four beats to the bar, such as 6/8 and 5/4. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Pulse, time signatures. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Pulse, time signatures.


Spring Term


Concept: Sing/play in various keys using notation. 

Definition: Singing and playing in various major and minor keys using sheet music. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Tonality, stave- line and space notes. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Stave- Line and space notes. 

Concept: Improvise using a variety of instruments and voice 

Definition: Creating an immediate musical composition on the spot using a range of percussion of instruments and singing. 

Skills: Improvisation, performance. 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Improvisation. 

Concept: Using a wide range of dynamics 

Definition: Learning to use a wide range of dynamics, such as pianissimo (pp- very soft) mezzo piano (mp- moderately soft), mezzo forte (mf- moderately loud) and fortissimo (ff- very loud). 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Dynamics 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Dynamics


Summer Term


Concept: Bridge passage 

Definition: A musical passage that connects two parts of a song, most prominently a verse and a chorus. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Form, structure 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Structure 

Concept: Major and minor chords 

Definition: Chords are a combination of three or more pitches played/song simultaneously on one or more instruments. Major chords contain the first, third and fifth notes of a scale. Minor chords contain the first, flattened third and fifth notes of the scale. 

Skills: N/A 

Theory: Scales, arpeggios and tonality. 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Scales, tonality. 

Concept: Improvise and compose using major and minor tonality. 

Definition: Creating an immediate musical composition on the spot using a major or minor key. 

Skills: Improvisation, composition. 

Theory: N/A 

Notation: N/A 

Recall: Improvisation, composition, tonality, major and minor chords.


Year 6

Autumn Term


Rudiment: high ti

Knowledge: A series of seven pitches with half steps between the third and fourth degrees and the seventh and eighth degrees

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: ti

Theory: Major diatonic scale

Notation: N/A

Recall and Rehearse: Dotted quaver followed by a semiquaver (beamed)

Rudiment: Quaver followed by a dotted crotchet

Knowledge: Two sounds distributed over two beats, both occurring on beat one

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: ti ta(-i)

Theory: Rule of the dot

Notation: Quaver followed by a dotted crotchet

Recall and Rehearse: Major scale

Rudiment: N/A

Knowledge: Natural minor scale

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: low la low ti do re mi fa so la

Theory: Minor scale structure

Notation: N/A

Recall and Rehearse: Quaver followed by a dotted crotchet


Spring Term


Rudiment: si

Knowledge: A minor second below la

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: si

Theory: Harmonic minor scale; augmented second

Notation: N/A

Recall and Rehearse: Natural minor scale


Knowledge: Major second between mi and fa

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: fi

Theory: Dorian Mode

Notation: fi on different staff placements

Recall and Rehearse: si


Summer Term


Rudiment: Compound meter, 6/8

Knowledge: Two pulsations per measure, each pulsation having three micro pulsations

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: ta-i, tri-o-la, ta ti

Theory: 6/8, macro beat, micro beat, compound

Notation: Three beamed quavers, crotchet followed by a quaver, dotted crotchet, quaver followed by a crotchet

Recall and Rehearse: si, fi

Rudiment: Quaver followed by four beamed semiquavers

Knowledge: Two pulsations per measure, each having six micro pulsations

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: ti ti-ri-ti-ri

Theory: 6/8

Notation: Quaver followed by four beamed semiquavers

Recall and Rehearse: Compound meter, 6/8

Rudiment: Dotted quaver followed by a semiquaver and quaver (beamed)

Knowledge: Uneven micro subdivision; long sound followed by a short sound, followed by a long sound

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: tim ri ti

Theory: Uneven micro subdivisions in 6/8

Notation: Dotted quaver followed by a semiquaver and quaver (beamed)

Recall and Rehearse: Quaver followed by four beamed semiquavers

Rudiment: ta (tonic sol-fa)

Knowledge: A half step lower than the seventh degree of a major scale

Sol-fa and Rhythm Syllables: do re mi fa so la ta high do'

Theory: Mixolydian scale structure

Notation: N/A

Recall and Rehearse: Dotted quaver followed by a semiquaver and quaver (beamed)




Charanga. (n.d.). Charanga: Music teaching and learning for schools. Retrieved from