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Child Learning | Curriculum Assessment

How do we check for understanding?

Assessment Rationale

Ford has built an assessment framework that informs the schools about the impact of  two main aspects of the Teaching and Learning process: 

1: The depth of a pupil's knowledge, understanding and ability to make links in learning 

2: The ability for pupils to apply procedural knowledge to skill-based activities 

Assessment will be used for the following purposes

To ensure that pupils are provided with accurate feedback to support their learning and know their next target.  

To ensure that teachers are aware of the next steps in learning to support quality first teaching. 

To monitor standards, set high expectations and monitor progress over time. 

To provide parents with a clear understanding of their child’s achievements and progress. 

To provide a reflective process which supports pupils to monitor and evaluate their learning 

To provide MAT wide comparisons for directors and other stakeholders. 

Assessment is taken both formally, with snapshot tests using  summative assessment tools, such as NFER and SATs, also informally using ongoing dynamic school based formative procedures. 


To support Teachers ability to make judgements on their pupils depth of understanding, and the effectiveness of their teaching, LAT has been heavily influenced by the work of Martin Robinson and his theory of Trivium. The influence of this theory varies according to the national curriculum subject being assessed. Using Trivium as a guide, staff work within a framework to formatively assess whether a pupil can: 

  • Recall knowledge with confidence about chronology, theory, factual details and linked vocabulary. 
  • Question and Explore knowledge forming their own rounded opinion, schema and insight, linking theory and opinion to differing contexts. 
  • Declare, Share and Communicate knowledge to others, shaping it into a personalised version, which is relevant to a pupil’s own context, (and/or that of others) whilst making authentic links to real life. Making audiences think differently should be a key marker of assessment and an insight into a pupil’s depth of clarity, but also their degree of curiosity and interest.