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Intended Outcomes


Year 3

Listen and understand: Listen to and understand familiar spoken words and phrases.

Listen and recount: Follow along and repeat keywords, phrases or short sentences from a song, rhyme, poem or story.

Identify sound spelling link: Identify phonemes in the target language and use them to aid understanding.

Transcribe: Listen to the phoneme or words including the phoneme and transcribe accurately

Year 4

Listen and understand: Listen to and understand basic phrases and/or questions and identify key points in a few short, spoken sentences.

Listen and recount: Join in the re-telling of simple stories, songs, rhymes or poems including the use of visual cues or prompts.

Identify sound spelling link: Use strings of phonemes to help understand new words and short phrases.

Transcribe: Listen to high frequency familiar words and phrases and transcribe accurately.

Year 5

Listen and understand: Listen to and understand the main points and some detail in extended sentences and short passages.

Listen and recount: Listen to and recount familiar stories, songs, rhymes or poems, including the use of visual cues or prompts.

Identify sound spelling link: Listen and apply knowledge of phonemes to help understand extended sentences.

Transcribe: Listen to and write sentences on familiar topics reasonably accurately by applying phonic knowledge.

Year 6

Listen and understand: Listen to and understand the main points and key details from a range passages including complex language and reference to past and future tenses.

Listen and recount: Listen to and recount from memory familiar stories, songs, rhymes and poems.

Identify sound spelling link: Listen and apply knowledge of phonemes to help understand more complex extended sentences.

Transcribe: Listen to and extended write sentences with complex structures mostly accurately by applying phonic knowledge.



Year 3

Read and understand: Read and understand some familiar written words and short phrases, sometimes using visual cues.

Read aloud: Read aloud individual words and short phrases with accurate pronunciation.

Use reference materials: Identify familiar words in a text.

Apply phonic knowledge: Read aloud words and short phrases, applying some phonic knowledge.

Year 4

Read and understand: Read and understand a range of familiar written phrases and simple sentences.

Read aloud: Read aloud a series of sentences with accurate pronunciation and intonation.

Use reference materials: Use a dictionary to find the meaning and gender of nouns from English to French and French to English.

Apply phonic knowledge: Apply phonic knowledge to support reading and read words, with increasingly accurate pronunciation.

Apply knowledge of alphabet: Be able to recognise and use letters of alphabet to spell short basic words with support.

Year 5

Read and understand: Read and understand a variety of short simple texts (for gist or detail) in different formats and different contexts.

Read aloud: Read aloud a short text such as a poem with accurate pronunciation and intonation, using tone of voice and gesture to convey meaning.

Use reference materials: Use a dictionary to find the meaning of high frequency adjectives and verbs from English to French and French to English.

Apply phonic knowledge: Read extended sentences accurately that contain mostly familiar language, applying phonic knowledge.

Apply knowledge of alphabet: Be able to recognise and use letters of the alphabet excluding accented letters with support.

Year 6

Read and understand: Read and understand a variety of texts (for gist or detail) including extended and complex sentences on a range of familiar topics.

Read aloud: Read aloud from a variety of different types of texts including some unfamiliar language confidently with good expression. Broaden vocabulary through reading more widely.

Use reference materials: Use a dictionary to find the meaning of unfamiliar nouns, adjectives and verbs from English to French and French to English.

Apply phonic knowledge: Read both familiar and new words, phrases and sentences aloud with understandable pronunciation applying phonic knowledge.

Apply knowledge of alphabet: Be able to recognise and use letters of the alphabet including accented letters.



Year 3

Speaking: Repeat and say familiar words and short simple phrases, including likes and dislikes, using understandable pronunciation.

Listen & Speak: 

Year 4

Speaking: Produce short preprepared phrases on a familiar topic, with secure pronunciation and intonation.

Listen & Speak: Take part in short dialogues about familiar topics with 2-3 exchanges with secure pronunciation and intonation.

Year 5

Speaking: Produce extended sentences using sentence builders to communicate for practical purposes on familiar topics with good pronunciation and intonation.

Listen & Speak: Take part in short conversations using familiar structures and vocabulary. Can adapt models successfully to give an extended response including opinions and reasons.

Year 6

Speaking: Use extended and complex sentences with more detailed information independently, sometimes from memory, including presenting to an audience, on a range of familiar topics with good pronunciation and intonation and increasing confidence, fluency and spontaneity.

Listen & Speak: Take part in short conversations using familiar structures and vocabulary. Can adapt models successfully to give an extended response including reference to the past and future.



Year 3

Write with support: Copy words and short phrases accurately

Write independently: Write some familiar simple words from memory, with plausible spelling.

Adapt a written model: Substitute one element in a simple phrase or sentence to vary the meaning (e.g. the colour adjective or the noun).

Translate: Translate words from French to English and English to French.

Year 4

Write with support: Write sentences accurately using support such as a sentence builder or word list to check spellings.

Write independently: Write several short phrases or sentences from memory with understandable spelling.

Adapt a written model: Adapt different elements of a sentence to create new sentences using a sentence builder.

Translate: Translate phrases or simple sentences from French to English and English to French including the use of a dictionary or supporting resource.

Year 5

Write with support: Write extended sentences and short texts accurately on a few topics using a sentence builder or writing frame for support.

Write independently: Write extended sentences and short texts from memory on a familiar topic with reasonably accurate spelling.

Adapt a written model: Use a short text as a model for an independent piece of writing on a familiar topic, using reference materials to proofread to improve accuracy.

Translate: Translate sentences or short texts from French to English and English to French including the use of a dictionary or supporting resource.

Year 6

Write with support: Write extended texts accurately on a few topics using a sentence builder or writing frame for support and including unfamiliar words found in a dictionary.

Write independently: Write extended sentences including complex structures to create a text from memory, on familiar topics for different purposes with mostly accurate spelling.

Adapt a written model: Use a text with complex structure as a model for an independent piece of writing on familiar topics, using reference materials to proofread to improve accuracy.

Translate: Translate texts including subordinate clauses or complex language from French to English and English to French including the use of a dictionary or supporting resource.



Year 3

Articles: Use indefinite (un,une,des) articles in the masculine, feminine and plural nouns. Use definite (le,la,l’,les) articles in the masculine, feminine and plural nouns.

Nouns: Form regular plural nouns.

Adjectives: Identify adjective and noun position. Identify position of more than one adjective with a noun. Use masculine, feminine and plural adjectives correctly.

Conjunctions: Use the conjunctions et, aussi, mais.

Verbs: Use the high frequency verb forms in the 1st person with regular opinion verbs and irregular verbs: (e.g. j’ai, je suis) and opinion verbs confidently. Use c’est. Use je voudrais to express a desire or request.

Negatives: Use the negative ‘ne...pas’ with opinion verbs in the 1st person.

Year 4

Nouns: Use a variety of plural nouns, including some irregular ones.

Adjectives: Use adjectives (agreement and position) with more confidence. Use possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes).

Conjunctions: Use the conjunctions parce que and car.

Verbs: Use the highfrequency verb forms in the 1st and 3rd person (eg j’ai, il/elle a, je suis, il/elle est) confidently. Use opinions + infinitive verbs. Use je voudrais to express a desire or request.

Negatives: Use the negative ‘ne…pas’ with a range of high frequency verbs in the 1st and 3rd person.

Adverbs: Adverbs of intensity (très, assez)

Year 5

Articles: Use definite and indefinite articles with increasing accuracy.

Nouns: Build bank of further nouns through use of a dictionary.

Adjectives: Use adjectival agreements in a wider range of topics. Understand word order and agreements: nouns, adjectives.

Conjunctions: Use conjunctions comme, en plus

Verbs: Use wider range of conjugated opinion verbs with infinitive verbs. Use 1st, 2nd and 3rd singular and 1st person plural of several regular ‘ER’ verbs in the present tense in addition to the irregular high frequency verbs including avoir (to have), être (to be) and aller (to go).
Use weather phrases faire. Use the near future tense with singular subject pronouns.
Use je voudrais with an infinitive verb to express a desire or request. Use the near future tense in the 1st person singular je vais and 1st person plural nous allons with variety of infinitives.

Negatives: Use the negative ne… pas with variety of high frequency verbs and parts including ‘il n’y a pas de’.

Prepositions: Prepositions of place and location (countries), (sur, sous, devant). Verb with prepositions: (faire de, jouer à)

Adverbs: Adverbs of frequency: (quelquefois, toujours, tous les jours)

Year 6

Articles: Use gender and articles (singular and plural), showing knowledge of the patterns learnt, but still frequent errors and omissions in independent use.

Adjectives: Agree adjectives for number and gender after ils/elles Understand word order and agreements: nouns, adjectives, verbs

Verbs: Use the full conjugation of the verbs être and avoir in several different contexts, still with some errors. Use the perfect tense with auxiliary avoir and or être with regular verbs in the 1stperson. Imperfect phrases; e.g. c’était., j’étais, j’avais
Introduction to reflexive verbs in the 1st person relating to daily routine. Modal verb; je peux + infinitive (I can …) Use near future with aller + infinitive using various subject pronouns Focus on verb + partitive.
Use the proper future in the 3rd person singular to add reasons.

Negatives: Use of different negative structures (ne… pas, ne… plus, ne… que, ne…ripen) with variety of high frequency verbs.

Prepositions: Prepositions of direction relating to location in towns/rooms (Ypres de, loin de, à guache, à droite)

Adverbs: Adverbs of time, sequence) (analogue times), (après, ensuite, le soir)

More complex language: Use comparative language (plus/ moins que and mieux/pire). Use subordinating connectives si (if) and some may be able to use que (which). Form question words.


Cultural Capital

Year 3

Foster children’s curiosity about France: an introduction to France and its capital city. Key vocabulary relating to traditional events, i.e. Christmas and Easter. Appreciate authentic songs and rhymes.

Year 4

Foster children’s curiosity about life in France: an introduction to daily life in France. Typical customs and traditions e.g. April Fool’s Day. Appreciate authentic songs, poems and rhymes.

Year 5

Introduction to the French-speaking world. Learn about festivals, such as Mardi Gras and wider coverage of French traditions, such as Epiphany. Appreciate French fables (the Fox and the Crow).

Year 6

Deepen children’s understanding of the wider French-speaking world and beyond.
Ordering food in authentic setting. Independent research into a French-speaking country.
A global focus including authentic resources such as French menus. Children’s lives around the world.