Intended Outcomes
Fundamental Skills & Games
Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and providing opportunities for play both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility. Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with hand-eye co-ordination which is later linked to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.
Physical Development: Gross Motor
Negotiate space and obstacles safely, with consideration for themselves and others.
Demonstrate strength, balance and coordination when playing.
Move energetically, such as running, jumping, dancing, hopping, skipping and climbing.
Year 1
Term 1
Coordination - Footwork
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Side-step in both directions.
2. Gallop, leading with either foot.
3. Hop on either foot.
4. Skip
Green Level
1. Combine side-steps with 180° front pivots off either foot.
2. Combine side-steps with 180° reverse pivots off either foot.
3. Skip with knee and opposite elbow at 90° angle.
4. Hopscotch forwards and backwards, hopping on the same leg (right and left).
Static Balance - One Leg
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 10 seconds.
Green Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 30 seconds.
2. Complete 5 mini-squats.
Term 2
Dynamic balance to agility - Jumping and landing
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet forwards, backwards and side to-side.
Green Level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet with quarter turn in both directions.
2. Stand on a line and jump from 2 feet to 1 foot and freeze on landing (on either foot).
Static balance - Seated
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Balance with both hands/ feet down.
2. Balance with 1 hand/ 2 feet down.
3. Balance with 2 hands/ 1 foot down.
4. Balance with 1 hand/ 1 foot down.
5. Balance with 1 hand or 1 foot down.
6. Balance with no hands or feet down.
Green Level
1. Pick up a cone from one side, swap hands and place it on the other side.
2. Return the cone to the opposite side.
Term 3
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Walk forwards with fluidity and minimum wobble.
2. Walk backwards with fluidity and minimum wobble.
Green Level
1. Walk fluidly, lifting knees to 90°.
2. Walk fluidly, lifting heels to bottom.
Static balance - Stance
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Stand on a line with good stance for 10 seconds.
Green Level
1. Stand on low beam with good stance for 10 seconds.
Fundamental Skill - Catch
Catch Skill Components:
1. Eyes are focused on the ball throughout the catch.
2. Preparatory position with elbows bent and hands in front of body.
3. Hands move to meet the ball.
4. Hands and fingers positioned correctly to catch the ball.
5. Catch and control the ball with hands only.
6. Elbows bend to absorb force of the ball.
Term 4
Coordination - Ball skills
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Sit and roll a ball along the floor around body using 2 hands.
2. Sit and roll a ball along the floor around body using 1 hand (right and left).
3. Sit and roll a ball down legs and around upper body using 2 hands.
4. Stand and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 2 hands.
Green Level
1. Sit and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 1 hand.
2. Stand and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 1 hand.
Counter balance - With a partner
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Sit holding hands with toes touching, lean in together then apart.
2. Sit holding 1 hand with toes touching, lean in together then apart.
3. Sit holding hands with toes touching and rock forwards, backwards and side-to-side.
Green Level
1. Hold on and, with a long base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Hold on with 1 hand and, with a long base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together
Term 5
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Roll large ball and collect the rebound.
2. Roll small ball and collect the rebound.
3. Throw large ball and catch the rebound with 2 hands.
Green Level
1. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand after 1 bounce.
2. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand without a bounce.
3. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand after 1 bounce.
4. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand without a bounce.
5. Strike large, soft ball along ground with hand 5 times in a rally.
Agility - Reaction and response
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch large ball dropped from shoulder height after 2 bounces.
2. React and catch large ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce.
Green Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch tennis ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce.
Term 6
Static balance - Floor work
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Place cone on back and take it off with other hand in mini front support.
2. Hold mini-back support position.
3. Place cone on tummy and take it off with other hand in mini back support.
Green Level
1. Hold mini-front support position.
2. Reach round and point to ceiling with either hand in mini-front support.
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Roll large ball and collect the rebound.
2. Roll small ball and collect the rebound.
3. Throw large ball and catch the rebound with 2 hands.
Green Level
1. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand after 1 bounce.
2. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand without a bounce.
3. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand after 1 bounce.
4. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand without a bounce.
5. Strike large, soft ball along ground with hand 5 times in a rally.
Year 2
Term 1
Coordination - Footwork
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Side-step in both directions.
2. Gallop, leading with either foot.
3. Hop on either foot.
4. Skip.
Green Level
1. Combine side-steps with 180° front pivots off either foot.
2. Combine side-steps with 180° reverse pivots off either foot.
3. Skip with knee and opposite elbow at 90° angle.
4. Hopscotch forwards and backwards, hopping on the same leg (right and left).
Static balance - One leg
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 10 seconds.
Green Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 30 seconds.
2. Complete 5 mini-squats.
Term 2
Dynamic balance to agility - Jumping and landing
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet forwards, backwards and side to-side.
Green Level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet with quarter turn in both directions.
2. Stand on a line and jump from 2 feet to 1 foot and freeze on landing (on either foot).
Static balance - Seated
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Balance with both hands/ feet down.
2. Balance with 1 hand/ 2 feet down.
3. Balance with 2 hands/ 1 foot down.
4. Balance with 1 hand/ 1 foot down.
5. Balance with 1 hand or 1 foot down.
6. Balance with no hands or feet down.
Green Level
1. Pick up a cone from one side, swap hands and place it on the other side.
2. Return the cone to the opposite side.
Term 3
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Walk forwards with fluidity and minimum wobble.
2. Walk backwards with fluidity and minimum wobble.
Green Level
1. Walk fluidly, lifting knees to 90°.
2. Walk fluidly, lifting heels to bottom.
Static balance - Stance
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Stand on a line with good stance for 10 seconds.
Green Level
1. Stand on low beam with good stance for 10 seconds.
Fundamental Skill - Kick
Kick Skill Components:
1. Eyes are focused on the ball throughout the kick.
2. Step forward with non-kicking foot placed near the ball.
3. Bend knee of kicking leg during the back swing for the kick.
4. Hip extension and knee flexion of at least 90º during preliminary kicking movement.
5. Contact the ball with the top of the foot.
6. Forward and sideward swing of arm opposite kicking leg.
7. Kicking leg follows through towards the target after ball contact.
Term 4
Coordination - Ball skills
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Sit and roll a ball along the floor around body using 2 hands.
2. Sit and roll a ball along the floor around body using 1 hand (right and left).
3. Sit and roll a ball down legs and around upper body using 2 hands.
4. Stand and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 2 hands.
Green Level
1. Sit and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 1 hand.
2. Stand and roll a ball up and down legs and round upper body using 1 hand.
Counter balance - With a partner
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Sit holding hands with toes touching, lean in together then apart.
2. Sit holding 1 hand with toes touching, lean in together then apart.
3. Sit holding hands with toes touching and rock forwards, backwards and side-to-side.
Green Level
1. Hold on and, with a long base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Hold on with 1 hand and, with a long base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
Term 5
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Roll large ball and collect the rebound.
2. Roll small ball and collect the rebound.
3. Throw large ball and catch the rebound with 2 hands.
Green Level
1. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand after 1 bounce.
2. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with same hand without a bounce.
3. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand after 1 bounce.
4. Throw tennis ball, catch rebound with other hand without a bounce.
5. Strike large, soft ball along ground with hand 5 times in a rally
Agility - Reaction and response
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch large ball dropped from shoulder height after 2 bounces.
2. React and catch large ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce.
Green Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch tennis ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce.
Term 6
Agility - Ball chasing
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Roll a ball, chase and collect it in balanced position facing opposite direction.
2. Chase a ball rolled by a partner and collect it in balanced position facing opposite direction.
Green Level
1. Start in seated/lying position, throw a bouncing ball, chase and collect it in balanced position facing opposite direction.
2. Start in seated/lying position, chase a bouncing ball fed by a partner and collect it in balanced position facing opposite direction.
Static balance - Floor work
End of KS1 expectation
Yellow Level
1. Hold mini-front support position.
2. Reach round and point to ceiling with either hand in mini-front support.
Green Level
1. Place cone on back and take it off with other hand in mini front support.
2. Hold mini-back support position.
3. Place cone on tummy and take it off with other hand in mini back support.
Year 3
Term 1
Coordination - Footwork
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hopscotch forwards and backwards, alternating hopping leg each time.
2. Move in a 3-step zigzag pattern forwards.
3. Move in a 3-step zigzag pattern backwards.
Static balance - One leg
End of LKS2 expectation
Red Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 30 seconds with eyes closed.
2. Complete 5 squats.
3. Complete 5 ankle extensions.
Term 2
Dynamic balance to agility - Jumping and landing
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet with 180° turn in either direction.
2. Complete a tucked jump.
3. Complete a tucked jump with 180° turn in either direction.
Static balance - Seated
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Pick up a cone from one side and place it on the other side with same hand.
2. Return it to the opposite side using the other hand.
3. Sit in a dish shape and hold it for 5 seconds.
Term 3
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. March, lifting knees and elbows up to a 90° angle.
2. Walk fluidly with heel to toe landing.
3. Walk fluidly, lifting knees and using heel to toe landing. Walk fluidly, lifting heels to bottom and using heel to toe landing.
Coordination - Ball skills
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
In 20 seconds or less:
1. Stand with legs apart and move a ball around 1 leg 16 times (right and left leg).
2. Move a ball round waist 17 times.
3. Stand with legs apart and move a ball around alternate legs 16 times.
Fundamental Skill - Dodge
Dodge Skill Components:
1. Eyes focused in the direction of travel throughout the dodge
2. Change direction by pushing off outside foot
3. Body lowered during change of direction
4. Change of direction occurs in one step
5. Dodge repeated from right to left, left to right, and so on
Term 4
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Strike a ball with alternate hands in a rally.
2. Kick a ball with the same foot.
3. Kick a ball with alternate feet. Roll 2 balls alternately using both hands, sending 1 as the other is returning
Counter balance - With a partner
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hold on and, with a short base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Hold on with 1 hand and, with a short base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
3. Perform above challenges with eyes closed.
Term 5
Agility - Reaction and response
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch tennis ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce, balancing on 1 leg.
Static balance - Floor work
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hold full front support position.
2. Lift 1 arm and point to the ceiling with either hand in front support.
3. Transfer cone on and off back in front support.
Term 6
Agility - Ball chasing
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Chase a large rolled ball, let it roll through legs and then collect it in balanced position facing the opposite direction.
2. Chase a large bouncing ball, let it roll through legs and then collect it in balanced position facing the opposite direction.
3. Complete above challenges with tennis ball.
Static balance - Stance
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Receive a small force from various angles.
2. Raise alternate feet 5 times.
3. Raise alternate knees 5 times.
4. Catch ball at chest height and throw it back.
Year 4
Term 1
Coordination - Footwork
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hopscotch forwards and backwards, alternating hopping leg each time.
2. Move in a 3-step zigzag pattern forwards.
3. Move in a 3-step zigzag pattern backwards.
Static balance - One leg
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
On both legs:
1. Stand still for 30 seconds with eyes closed.
2. Complete 5 squats.
3. Complete 5 ankle extensions.
Term 2
Dynamic balance to agility - Jumping and landing
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Jump from 2 feet to 2 feet with 180° turn in either direction.
2. Complete a tucked jump.
3. Complete a tucked jump with 180° turn in either direction.
Static balance - Seated
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Pick up a cone from one side and place it on the other side with same hand.
2. Return it to the opposite side using the other hand.
3. Sit in a dish shape and hold it for 5 seconds.
Term 3
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. March, lifting knees and elbows up to a 90° angle.
2. Walk fluidly with heel to toe landing.
3. Walk fluidly, lifting knees and using heel to toe landing. Walk fluidly, lifting heels to bottom and using heel to toe landing.
Coordination - Ball skills
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
In 20 seconds or less:
1. Stand with legs apart and move a ball around 1 leg 16 times (right and left leg).
2. Move a ball round waist 17 times.
3. Stand with legs apart and move a ball around alternate legs 16 times.
Fundamental Skill - Catch
Catch Skill Components:
1. Eyes are focused on the ball throughout the catch.
2. Preparatory position with elbows bent and hands in front of body.
3. Hands move to meet the ball.
4. Hands and fingers positioned correctly to catch the ball.
5. Catch and control the ball with hands only.
6. Elbows bend to absorb force of the ball.
Term 4
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Strike a ball with alternate hands in a rally.
2. Kick a ball with the same foot.
3. Kick a ball with alternate feet. Roll 2 balls alternately using both hands, sending 1 as the other is returning.
Counter balance - With a partner
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hold on and, with a short base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Hold on with 1 hand and, with a short base, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
3. Perform above challenges with eyes closed.
Term 5
Agility - Reaction and response
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and catch tennis ball dropped from shoulder height after 1 bounce, balancing on 1 leg.
Static balance - Floor work
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Hold full front support position.
2. Lift 1 arm and point to the ceiling with either hand in front support.
3. Transfer cone on and off back in front support.
Term 6
Agility - Ball chasing
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Chase a large rolled ball, let it roll through legs and then collect it in balanced position facing the opposite direction.
2. Chase a large bouncing ball, let it roll through legs and then collect it in balanced position facing the opposite direction.
3. Complete above challenges with tennis ball.
Static balance - Stance
End of LKS2 expectation
Red level
1. Receive a small force from various angles.
2. Raise alternate feet 5 times.
3. Raise alternate knees 5 times.
4. Catch ball at chest height and throw it back.
Year 5
Term 1
Coordination - Ball skills
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
In 20 seconds or less:
1. Stand with legs apart and move ball in figure of 8 around both legs 12 times.
2. Move ball around waist into figure of 8 around both legs 10 times.
3. Move ball around waist and then around alternate legs 12 times.
4. Stand with legs apart and perform 24 criss-crosses, with and then without a bounce.
Agility - Reaction/response
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and step across body, bring hand across body and catch tennis ball after 1 bounce.
Term 2
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Walk fluidly, forwards and backwards, lifting heel to bottom, knees up and heel to toe landing.
2. Lunge walk forwards (heel to bottom, knees up, extend leg, sink hips, heel to toe landing).
3. Lunge walk forwards, bringing opposite elbow up to a 90° angle.
4. Complete all red challenges with eyes closed.
Counter balance - with a partner
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Stand on 1 leg holding with 1 hand, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Stand on 1 leg while holding on to partner’s opposite foot.
Term 3
Static balance - Stance
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Raise alternate knees to opposite elbow 5 times.
2. Catch large ball thrown at knee height and above head.
3. Catch large ball thrown away from body.
4. Catch small ball thrown close to and away from body.
Coordination - Footwork
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Combine 3-step zigzag patterns with cross-over (swerve) when changing lead leg.
2. Move in 3-step zigzag pattern, with knee raise across body just before changing lead leg and direction.
3. Move in 3-step zigzag pattern, lifting foot up behind just before changing lead leg and direction.
Fundamental Skill - Ball bounce
Ball Bounce Skill Components:
1. Eyes focused forward throughout the bounce.
2. Contact the ball with the fingers of one hand at about hip height.
3. Wrist and elbows bend then straighten to push the ball.
4. Hips and knees slightly flexed during the bounce.
5. Ball bounces in front of and to the side of the body.
Term 4
Static balance - Seated
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Reach and pick up cone an arms distance away, swap hands and place it on the other side (both directions).
2. Reach and pick up cone an arms distance away and place it on the other side using same hand (both directions).
3. Hold a V-shape with straight arms and legs for 10 seconds.
Static balance - Floor work
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Transfer tennis ball on and off back in a front support.
2. Transfer cone on and off tummy in back support.
3. Transfer tennis ball on and off tummy in back support.
Term 6
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Alternately throw and catch 2 tennis balls against a wall.
2. Throw 2 tennis balls against a wall and catch them with opposite hand (cross-over).
3. Throw 2 tennis balls against a wall in a circuit, in both directions.
Agility - Ball chasing
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Roll and chase large ball, stopping it with knee sideways onto ball (long barrier position) facing opposite direction.
2. Perform above challenge with tennis ball.
3. Roll and chase large ball, stopping it with head in front support position facing opposite direction.
Year 6
Term 1
Coordination - Ball skills
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
In 20 seconds or less:
1. Stand with legs apart and move ball in figure of 8 around both legs 12 times.
2. Move ball around waist into figure of 8 around both legs 10 times.
3. Move ball around waist and then around alternate legs 12 times.
4. Stand with legs apart and perform 24 criss-crosses, with and then without a bounce.
Agility - Reaction/response
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
From 1, 2 and 3 metres:
1. React and step across body, bring hand across body and catch tennis ball after 1 bounce.
Term 2
Dynamic balance - On a line
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Walk fluidly, forwards and backwards, lifting heel to bottom, knees up and heel to toe landing.
2. Lunge walk forwards (heel to bottom, knees up, extend leg, sink hips, heel to toe landing).
3. Lunge walk forwards, bringing opposite elbow up to a 90° angle.
4. Complete all red challenges with eyes closed.
Counter balance - With a partner
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Stand on 1 leg holding with 1 hand, lean back, hold balance and then move back together.
2. Stand on 1 leg while holding on to partner’s opposite foot.
Term 3
Static balance - Stance
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Raise alternate knees to opposite elbow 5 times.
2. Catch large ball thrown at knee height and above head.
3. Catch large ball thrown away from body.
4. Catch small ball thrown close to and away from body.
Coordination - Footwork
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Combine 3-step zigzag patterns with cross-over (swerve) when changing lead leg.
2. Move in 3-step zigzag pattern, with knee raise across body just before changing lead leg and direction.
3. Move in 3-step zigzag pattern, lifting foot up behind just before changing lead leg and direction.
Fundamental Skill - Forehand (side-arm) strike
Forehand Strike Skill Components:
1. Eyes are focused on the ball throughout the strike.
2. Stand side-on to the target with bat held in one hand.
3. Striking hand nearly straightened behind shoulder at end of back swing.
4. Step towards target with foot opposite striking arm during the strike.
5. Marked sequential hip to shoulder rotation during the strike.
6. Ball contact made opposite front foot with straight arm.
7. Follow through towards the target then around body.
Term 4
Static balance - Seated
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Reach and pick up cone an arms distance away, swap hands and place it on the other side (both directions).
2. Reach and pick up cone an arms distance away and place it on the other side using same hand (both directions).
3. Hold a V-shape with straight arms and legs for 10 seconds.
Static balance - Floor work
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Transfer tennis ball on and off back in a front support.
2. Transfer cone on and off tummy in back support.
3. Transfer tennis ball on and off tummy in back support.
Term 5
Dynamic balance to agility - Jumping and landing
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Jump 2 feet to 2 feet forwards, backwards and side-to-side.
2. Hop forward and backwards, freezing on landing.
3. Jump 1 foot to other forwards and backwards, freezing on landing.
4. Hop sideways, raising knee and freezing on landing.
5. Jump 1 foot to other sideways, raising knee and freeze on landing.
Static balance - One leg
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
On both legs:
1. Stand still on uneven surface for 30 seconds.
2. Stand still on uneven surface for 30 seconds with eyes closed.
3. Complete 10 squats into ankle extensions.
4. Complete 5 squats with eyes closed.
Term 6
Coordination - Sending and receiving
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Alternately throw and catch 2 tennis balls against a wall.
2. Throw 2 tennis balls against a wall and catch them with opposite hand (cross-over).
3. Throw 2 tennis balls against a wall in a circuit, in both directions.
Agility - Ball chasing
End of UKS2 expectation
Blue Level
1. Roll and chase large ball, stopping it with knee sideways onto ball (long barrier position) facing opposite direction.
2. Perform above challenge with tennis ball.
3. Roll and chase large ball, stopping it with head in front support position facing opposite direction.
Year 1
Term 2
Exploring and Consolidating Tricky 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on both feet.
- with limbs in different planes.
- with 3 points of contact.
- facing down.
Travel between shapes including jumping.
I can:
Create movements led by large horizontal single arm circles and semi-circles leading into
- stepping.
- turning.
Jump from a static position, arms up and down.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in contrast to my partner’s
- with our body parts crossing over.
Travel between shapes in unison.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Turn forwards and backwards through horizontal large arm circle
- and finish away.
- in unison.
- in canon.
Create, in unison, jumps with rotation from a static position.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of 4 moves with some being different to my partner’s.
Term 6
Exploring and Consolidating Tricky 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on both feet.
- with limbs in different planes.
- with 3 points of contact.
- facing down.
Travel between shapes including jumping.
I can:
Create movements led by large horizontal single arm circles and semi-circles leading into
- stepping.
- turning.
Jump from a static position, arms up and down.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in contrast to my partner’s
- with our body parts crossing over.
Travel between shapes in unison.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Turn forwards and backwards through horizontal large arm circle
- and finish away.
- in unison.
- in canon.
Create, in unison, jumps with rotation from a static position.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of 4 moves with some being different to my partner’s.
Year 2
Term 2
Exploring and Consolidating Tricky 2 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- with torso beginning to rotate.
- with 3 points of contact with the floor.
- facing down and up.
Travel between shapes including jumping with rotation.
I can:
Create movements led by large vertical single arm circles and semi-circles leading into
- stepping.
- body movements.
- turning.
- jumps with 180° and 360° rotations.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- opposite and entwined with my partner.
- in close contact but without touching.
Incorporate jumping when travelling between shapes
- in canon.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement and turn forwards and backwards through horizontal and vertical large arm circle and semi-circle
- in unison.
- finishing in partner shapes.
Create jumps from foot circles
- jumping in unison.
Artistry (Abstraction)
I can:
Create 2 ways of moving linked to the silk
- using 3 or 4 limbs and pausing throughout my movement.
- fluently and without stopping.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of 5 static and dynamic moves
- in contrast to my partner’s.
- using different partner shapes.
- at different levels.
- with different timings.
Term 6
Consolidating Tricky 2 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- with torso beginning to rotate.
- with 3 points of contact with the floor.
- facing down and up.
Travel between shapes including jumping with rotation.
I can:
Create movements led by large vertical single arm circles and semi-circles leading into
- stepping.
- body movements.
- turning.
- jumps with 180° and 360° rotations.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- opposite and entwined with my partner.
- in close contact but without touching.
Incorporate jumping when travelling between shapes
- in canon.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement and turn forwards and backwards through horizontal and vertical large arm circle and semi-circle
- in unison.
- finishing in partner shapes.
Create jumps from foot circles
- jumping in unison.
Artistry (Abstraction)
I can:
Create 2 ways of moving linked to the silk
- using 3 or 4 limbs and pausing throughout my movement.
- fluently and without stopping.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of 5 static and dynamic moves
- in contrast to my partner’s.
- using different partner shapes.
- at different levels.
- with different timings.
Year 3
Term 2
Exploring Trickier 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- with torso rotated.
- with 3 points of contact with the floor.
- facing up and sideways.
Travel between shapes including stepping into jumping.
Rotate in jumps.
I can:
Create exact and repeatable movement led by both single arm and leg circles and semicircles leading into
- body dropping and turning.
- turning with body tilted.
- jumps with 180° and 360° forward and backward rotations (starfish and barrel roll jumps).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- opposite and entwined with my partner.
- as close as possible without touching.
- facing up, down and sideways.
- jumping with rotation when moving between shapes.
- in canon.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement led by horizontal and vertical single arm circles and semi-circles
- followed with steps.
- followed with body action.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- mirroring my partner.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement led by horizontal and vertical single arm circles and semi-circles
- followed with steps.
- followed with body action.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- mirroring my partner.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 5 moves
- similar and then in contrast to my partner’s.
- with various starting and finishing positions.
Term 6
Consolidating Trickier 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- with torso rotated.
- with 3 points of contact with the floor.
- facing up and sideways.
Travel between shapes including stepping into jumping.
Rotate in jumps.
I can:
Create exact and repeatable movement led by both single arm and leg circles and semicircles leading into
- body dropping and turning.
- turning with body tilted.
- jumps with 180° and 360° forward and backward rotations (starfish and barrel roll jumps).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- opposite and entwined with my partner.
- as close as possible without touching.
- facing up, down and sideways.
- jumping with rotation when moving between shapes.
- in canon.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement led by horizontal and vertical single arm circles and semi-circles
- followed with steps.
- followed with body action.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- mirroring my partner.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create movement led by horizontal and vertical single arm circles and semi-circles
- followed with steps.
- followed with body action.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- mirroring my partner.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 5 moves
- similar and then in contrast to my partner’s.
- with various starting and finishing positions.
Year 4
Term 2
Consolidating Trickier 2 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot. - with arms at different planes.
- with torso rotated and bent.
- with 2 points of contact with the floor.
- facing up and sideways.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor and in the air.
- in different directions.
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combined arm, shoulder, leg and foot circles and/ or semi-circles leading into
- turning.
- jumping with good height, speed and various body shapes in the air.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- at different levels.
- without contact.
- with 1 hand contact.
Jump with backward rotation when moving between shapes.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by large horizontal and vertical single arm and leg circles and semicircles
- with turns led by arms, foot and knee.
- in unison.
- at different speeds/directions.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create and support jumps palm to palm/palm to lower back
- with 360° rotation in the air.
- with 1 foot take-off and landing.
- holding star shape in the air.
- finishing by leaning against my partner.
- in canon.
Artistry (Abstraction)
I can:
Create multiple ways of moving linked to the silk
- where silk moves lead me into stepping, jumping, floor moves and floor shapes.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 5 moves
- with limbs in different planes and directions.
Perform both in my and my partner’s place.
Term 6
Consolidating Trickier 2 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot. - with arms at different planes.
- with torso rotated and bent.
- with 2 points of contact with the floor.
- facing up and sideways.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor and in the air.
- in different directions.
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combined arm, shoulder, leg and foot circles and/ or semi-circles leading into
- turning.
- jumping with good height, speed and various body shapes in the air.
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes
- at different levels.
- without contact.
- with 1 hand contact.
Jump with backward rotation when moving between shapes.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by large horizontal and vertical single arm and leg circles and semicircles
- with turns led by arms, foot and knee.
- in unison.
- at different speeds/directions.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create and support jumps palm to palm/palm to lower back
- with 360° rotation in the air.
- with 1 foot take-off and landing.
- holding star shape in the air.
- finishing by leaning against my partner.
- in canon.
Artistry (Abstraction)
I can:
Create multiple ways of moving linked to the silk
- where silk moves lead me into stepping, jumping, floor moves and floor shapes.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 5 moves
- with limbs in different planes and directions.
Perform both in my and my partner’s place.
Year 5
Term 2
Explore Trickiest 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot with other foot higher than 45°.
- with 2 points of contact using combination of hands, arms and shoulders for support.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor (spirals and turns) and in the air.
- in different directions.
- at different speeds.
I can:
Create complex movement led by a combination of circles made with different body parts and in different planes leading into
- stepping, body movements and turns.
- jumps with 1 foot take-off and landing, other leg extended.
- jumps with 180° rotation and change of direction in the air (landing facing backwards).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in close contact
- both balancing on 1 foot.
- cross-bodied with 2 points of contact with the floor.
Travel with my partner
- incorporating spirals, rotation on the floor, jumping and cross-bodied finishing positions.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combinations of circles made with different body parts and in different planes
- leading into and out of turning.
- in unison.
- while mirroring.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create sequences of movement, turning and jumping
- leading into and out of partner supports.
- leaning towards and away from my partner.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- independently from my partner.
Artistry (Musicality)
I can:
Create a combination of shapes, circle and silk moves
- both matching and in contrast to the melody or the main song line.
- responding to musical phrases.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 6 various moves
- with movements made both with arms and legs.
- in unison followed by moves in contrast and performed independently of my partner
Term 6
Explore Trickiest 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot with other foot higher than 45°.
- with 2 points of contact using combination of hands, arms and shoulders for support.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor (spirals and turns) and in the air.
- in different directions.
- at different speeds.
I can:
Create complex movement led by a combination of circles made with different body parts and in different planes leading into
- stepping, body movements and turns.
- jumps with 1 foot take-off and landing, other leg extended.
- jumps with 180° rotation and change of direction in the air (landing facing backwards).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in close contact
- both balancing on 1 foot.
- cross-bodied with 2 points of contact with the floor.
Travel with my partner
- incorporating spirals, rotation on the floor, jumping and cross-bodied finishing positions.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combinations of circles made with different body parts and in different planes
- leading into and out of turning.
- in unison.
- while mirroring.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create sequences of movement, turning and jumping
- leading into and out of partner supports.
- leaning towards and away from my partner.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- independently from my partner.
Artistry (Musicality)
I can:
Create a combination of shapes, circle and silk moves
- both matching and in contrast to the melody or the main song line.
- responding to musical phrases.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 6 various moves
- with movements made both with arms and legs.
- in unison followed by moves in contrast and performed independently of my partner
Year 6
Term 2
Consolidate Trickiest 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot with other foot higher than 45°.
- with 2 points of contact using combination of hands, arms and shoulders for support.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor (spirals and turns) and in the air.
- in different directions.
- at different speeds.
I can:
Create complex movement led by a combination of circles made with different body parts and in different planes leading into
- stepping, body movements and turns.
- jumps with 1 foot take-off and landing, other leg extended.
- jumps with 180° rotation and change of direction in the air (landing facing backwards).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in close contact
- both balancing on 1 foot.
- cross-bodied with 2 points of contact with the floor.
Travel with my partner
- incorporating spirals, rotation on the floor, jumping and cross-bodied finishing positions.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combinations of circles made with different body parts and in different planes
- leading into and out of turning.
- in unison.
- while mirroring.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create sequences of movement, turning and jumping
- leading into and out of partner supports.
- leaning towards and away from my partner.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- independently from my partner.
Artistry (Musicality)
I can:
Create a combination of shapes, circle and silk moves
- both matching and in contrast to the melody or the main song line.
- responding to musical phrases.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 6 various moves
- with movements made both with arms and legs.
- in unison followed by moves in contrast and performed independently of my partner
Term 6
Consolidate Trickiest 1 skills
I can:
Create multiple standing and floor shapes
- balanced on 1 foot with other foot higher than 45°.
- with 2 points of contact using combination of hands, arms and shoulders for support.
Travel between shapes including rotation
- on the floor (spirals and turns) and in the air.
- in different directions.
- at different speeds.
I can:
Create complex movement led by a combination of circles made with different body parts and in different planes leading into
- stepping, body movements and turns.
- jumps with 1 foot take-off and landing, other leg extended.
- jumps with 180° rotation and change of direction in the air (landing facing backwards).
Partnering (Shapes)
I can:
Create standing and floor shapes in close contact
- both balancing on 1 foot.
- cross-bodied with 2 points of contact with the floor.
Travel with my partner
- incorporating spirals, rotation on the floor, jumping and cross-bodied finishing positions.
Partnering (Circles)
I can:
Create sequences of movement led by combinations of circles made with different body parts and in different planes
- leading into and out of turning.
- in unison.
- while mirroring.
Partnering (Lifts)
I can:
Create sequences of movement, turning and jumping
- leading into and out of partner supports.
- leaning towards and away from my partner.
- in unison.
- in canon.
- independently of my partner.
Artistry (Musicality)
I can:
Create a combination of shapes, circle and silk moves
- both matching and in contrast to the melody or the main song line.
- responding to musical phrases.
Artistry (Making)
I can:
Create a sequence of a minimum of 6 various moves
- with movements made both with arms and legs.
- in unison followed by moves in contrast and performed independently of my partner
Year 1
Term 1
Explore Tricky shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Consolidate Tricky shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 2
Term 1
Consolidate Tricky shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Perform Tricky shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 3
Term 1
Explore Trickier shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Consoldiate Trickier shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 4
Term 1
Consoldiate Trickier shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Perform Trickier shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 5
Term 1
Explore Trickiest shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Consolidate Trickiest shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 6
Term 1
Consolidate Trickiest shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Term 4
Explore Trickiest shape, balance, travel, flight and rotation skills combined with one of the following:
- Hand Apparatus
- Low Apparatus
- Partner/s
- Large Apparatus
Year 1
Term 5
Can I run at different speeds?
Can I jump from a standing position?
Can I perform a variety of throws with basic control?
Year 2
Term 5
Can I change speed and direction whilst running?
Can I jump from a standing position with accuracy?
Can I perform a variety of throws with control and co-ordination? (preparation for shot put and javelin)
Can I use equipment safely?
Year 3
Term 5
Can I begin to run at speeds appropriate for the distance? e.g. sprinting and cross country
Can I pass a relay baton?
Can I perform a running jump with some accuracy?
Can I perform a variety of throws using a selection of equipment?
Can I use equipment safely and with good control?
Year 4
Term 5
Can I begin to build a variety of running techniques and use with confidence?
Can I pass a relay baton?
Can I perform a running jump with more than one component? e.g. hop skip jump (triple jump)
Can I demonstrate accuracy in throwing and catching activities?
Can I describe good athletic performance using correct vocabulary?
Can I use equipment safely and with good control?
Year 6
Term 5
Can I begin to build a variety of running techniques and use with confidence?
Can I pass a relay batton?
Can I perform a running jump with more than one component? e.g. hop skip jump (triple jump)
Can I begin to record peers performances, and evaluate these?
Can I demonstrate accuracy and confidence in throwing and catching activities?
Can I describe good athletic performance using correct vocabulary?
Can I use equipment safely and with good control?
Year 5
Term 5
Pupils will be taught to:
- swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]
- perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations.
Outdoor & Adventurous Activities (OAA)
Year 3
Term 6
Pupils will:
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.Can I develop listening skills?
Can I listen to instructions from a partner/ adult?
Can I begin to think activities through and problem solve?
Can I discuss and work with others in a group?
Can I demonstrate an understanding of how to stay safe?
Year 4
Term 6
Pupils will:
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
Can I develop strong listening skills?
Can I use simple maps?
Can I begin to think activities through and problem solve?
Can I choose and apply strategies to solve problems with support?
Can I discuss and work with others in a group?
Can I demonstrates an understanding of how to stay safe?
Year 5
Term 6
Pupils will:
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
Can I develop strong listening skills?
Can I use and interprets simple maps?
Can I think activities through and problem solve using general knowledge?
Can I choose and apply strategies to solve problems with support?
Can I discuss and work with others in a group?
Can I demonstrate an understanding of how to stay safe?
Year 6
Term 6
Pupils will:
- take part in outdoor and adventurous activity challenges both individually and within a team.
Can I develop strong listening skills?
Can I use and interprets simple maps?
Can I think activities through and problem solve using general knowledge?
Can I choose and apply strategies to solve problems with support?
Can I discuss and work with others in a group?
Can I demonstrate an understanding of how to stay safe?