Child Learning | Marking and Feedback
Marking and Feedback Guidance
At Ford, we aim to standardise marking and feedback across all subjects and year groups to ensure consistency and maximise teacher time. Subject leaders and SLT have developed a policy based on research and best practices, consulting staff to ensure clarity and alignment. Staff will continuously review and update the exemplars for marking criteria to maintain relevance and impact while improving classroom practices collaboratively. This approach also encourages challenge by fostering a culture of reflective practice and high expectations for both staff and students.
Marking Stems
To challenge and deepen our pupils understanding, we frequently use marking stems when reviewing evidence of pupils work. This structured framework ensures a consistent approach, helping children not only grasp the content but also encouraging them to push beyond their perceived limits and achieve greater levels of learning. Below is an example of the marking stems which you can find in children's books. Time is allocated to enable them to respond to these comments in their books.