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Premises Council

Pupil Council | What do we do and why? 

Our Premises Pupil Council has been created as a vehicle to capture pupil voice, explore ideas and transfer this feedback directly back into classrooms as a way of making pupil-informed changes.

The council also supports staff in their drive to continuously raise standards.

Our council will focus on aspects of the curriculum that fall under three main categories:

1. Things that are already in place in school, that are going well and also positively support learning. 

2. Things that are in need of repair or re-think as they are not working as we would like or need.

3. Things that could be invented and created to help everyone learn more and learn better. 

Council members will work with their link leader, observe aspects of school life and regularly report back to senior staff on how things are going in school - from their pupil perspective. 

Pupils are also introduced to the Ofsted Framework and begin to sensitively unpick how this can be used to make impactful and relevant changes. 

Pupils are valued as pupils and go beyond the framework to view learning through the eyes of themselves - as young learners. This is their unique input that makes the Pupil Council a positive group to be part of, as well as a group who can represent their peers and make meaningful pupil informed changes in school.

Meet our Maths Council Members

Year 6

Pupil blog coming soon...

Year 5

Year 4

Year 3

Year 2

Year EYFS - 1

Our goals for the next 2 years

Information from pupils is coming soon...

What do Ofsted say?

What is going well?

What could be even better?

What do our Senior Leaders say?

What do we, as School Pupil Council say?

1. Things that are already in place in school, going well and support learning. 

2. Things that are in need of repair or re-think as they are not working.

3. Things that could be invented and created to help everyone learn more and better. 

Examples of our work as a Pupil Council

This is where we showcase examples of our work and its impact on the life and learning of pupils in school.


Step 1 | Gain feedback from pupils on what is going well and what needs improving

We have been working alongside the Positive play Pupil Council pupils to help them turn their wish list into life. The Positive Play Council have been clear with school leaders that they would like some more equipment to play with. The pupils have created a wish list of eight things that would make their outside playtimes more positive. The two big areas that pupils wanted to improve were extra goals and balls for sports and a higher fence to keep the balls in play during games.

Step 2 | Bringing the wish list to life

An example of how the Smooga barriers can be arranged in schools.

We worked with Mr Barbour to make the list of dreams come to life.

First, staff brought in some extra goals, which now means that more pupils can take part in team sports (such as football) more often. we helped Mr Barbour to put them together and make a new and additional play court.

Next, they brought in some 'Smooga' style moveable barriers. These barriers enable the ball to stay in play but also prevent the team games spilling out into other areas of the playground.

We were happy that the barriers arrived.  We can now support Mr Barbour (Site Manager) to move them for lessons and playtimes when necessary. We can now create different-sized courts when needed, e.g. no barriers (if a full court was needed e.g. certain PE lessons), 10 a-side court (for larger games - which was high on the wish list) and 7 aside or less. 

Step 3 | Next steps...

1. We will walk the school site with Mr Barbour, Mrs Sandey, Mr Sammels and our Learning Academies Trust Premises Lead, Duncan Baldie to better understand what we can do to improve the premises. 

2. Meet with Local Governors to discuss our work as a council and to see how it can help to achieve the governors school plans for improvement. We will also discuss how our learning environment enables / stifles learning and what we can do as a council to celebrate the best bits as well as make our premises even better.

3. Meet any local businesses who can help us to make even more positive play areas with a special focus on our courtyard garden and art sanctuary.

4. Continue to meet regularly with Mr. Barbour and gain feedback from pupils on what we can do to help them have the most wonderful premises possible.